ASSIGNMENTS BIG DATA UNITS I ,II ,III ,IV ,V Assignmnt -1 (unit-1) 1.Define Big Data 2.What is Big Data Analytics 3.Explain Structured and Semi-structured data give examples 4.Dicusss challenges posed by bigdata ASSIGNMENT-2 (UNIT-II) 1.Compare and contrast NOSQL VS RELATIONAL DATABASES 2.What is big data ?why we need to analyze big data .list out characteristics of bigdata and challenges in bigdata 3.Define HDFS .Discuss HDFS Architecture 4. Explian in detail Hadoop distributes file system 5.explain mapper ,reducer ,combiner 6.discuss in brief about mapper code and reducer code ASSIGNMENT -3(UNIT-III) 1.what is version stamp ? 2.Define aggregates 3.explian column -family stores ? 4.Define schema less databases ,materialized views 5.explain graph databases with examples 6.define sharding ,peer to peer replication ASSIGNMENT -4(UNIT-...